Sunday, January 17, 2016

Entry 23a: Spirits of the future's past

While I am on watch I hear a voice in my head speaking that spoke to me saying
"Nevada Smith, Patron Saint of Intrigue. Pleased to meet you, Saint Grey."
"and by the way, nice job at the research center...there is no bluff like a bluff on oneself, eh?"

We conversed a bit, and he tells me about the Templar, a group of warriors fighting the good fight against the who gain power from great spirits of the past (the saints). The Templar only help those considered worthy, which while it seems harsh, I agree with to some degree. It is not worth the life of a useful ally to save someone who will end up dying in a few days anyway, although if I can save someone without significant risk to myself and my allies I certainly will.

It would appear that being in close proximity to the time rift caused a small bit of the future to travel back and be able to interact with us (and in the hunting grounds time works differently), which led to Saint Grey visiting me. I have no doubt the others are having similar experiences to mine. It is also interesting to note that he implied I became a saint myself in the future.

He has also shown me some of the fighting techniques the Templar use in the future and I have begun to train in wielding both of my rifles in melee in addition to being able to fire both at the same time.

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