Monday, July 29, 2013

Entry 6:The Show Must Go On!

Last night was quite stressful for the troupe, it started with an uneasy feeling of something moving in the distance that was also spooking runs-on-oats during the journey.  While we were stopped I spotted what looked like a humanoid shape in the distance, the figure stuck a profound fear in my heart, and I tried to warn the others to get them to move quickly, but Ziggy managed to get them moving before I was able to shake off the fear for long enough to start up the wagons, while we were preparing the wagons for a quick departure, The ringmaster grabbed a briefcase1, and began running towards the figure, telling us to run. The figure began to rapidly Fire his pistols at the ringmaster, but he blocked the bullets using his briefcase. Casanova tried to run out to assist the ringmaster, but Colleen and Malady held him in the wagon.  Smoke was in an especially panicky mood and was rushing to get the wagons moving as quickly as possible. Suddenly when the ringmaster got near the figure he opened the suitcase and threw it to the ground, causing a massive explosion that we barely managed to escape from and which took a large chunk of the side of the Grand Canyon. We managed to hear the ringmaster’s final words “The Show Must Go On”

-An interesting note for later is that Smoke seemed to know what happened to the ringmaster “Damn it, why did you have to go and do that”
The troupe is feeling the loss of the ringmaster quite profoundly, Smoke as usual is spewing streams of profanity but they are missing their typical venom. Casanova is trying to convince the rest of the troupe and possibly himself that he might have been able to help the ringmaster. Colleen seems to be Shell shocked from the explosion and only snapped out to make a snap at Casanova telling him if they hadn’t stopped him he would have died too.  Ziggy mostly kept to himself, and lastly I just sat observing the rest of the troupe trying to rationalize why the ringmaster did that. The conclusions I reached were less than encouraging, it indicated that the figure we saw, was something that he felt could not be handled without drastic methods such as destroying himself and it in a massive explosion and toppling the remains into the Grand Canyon. What worries me more is that whatever it is might not be dead, but just delayed. While we were fleeing the explosion site and after we had calmed down we discussed what we should do now, and remembering the ringmaster’s last words we decided to continue on to Salt-lake city.

1 4 Pandora’s boxes - 3 explosions = 1. What are Pandora’s boxes?

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