Monday, July 29, 2013

Entry 8:Factory 13

It's been an eventful night, while waiting to do the play, our sideshows were for the most part successful, with the exception of someone cheating at the fighting tournament by bringing and using knives. And a man named Zik usinig a large mechanized arm to completely dominate the arm wrestling tournament. A local gang that ran most of the gambling also must have taken offence to our gambling station so the caused a distraction and stole the earnings from that.

When the play came around it was performed nearly flawlessly and when I stumbled, Cassanova was able to cover it up and make up for it, I set off the fireworks after the play, and they were spectacular, however one of them veered off course, and through luck or fate went in the direction of Factory #13, one of Hellstromme's factories that was known to have the highest fatality rate, where no one who was sent there was ever heard from again.

After a while there was a fire at Factory 13 and people started trying to put it out. however the fire was in the ghost rock hopper so was still burning strong despite their efforts. The local Sheriff of Junkyard showed up quickly and began questioning us, and when he was done, told us that we had 24 hours to find someone else to swing for it, since someone was going to hang for one of Hellstrome's factories being damaged. We were deputized and told that the sheriff  wanted to know who the actual culprits were. So we quickly headed for the factory and searched the remains for clues, what we found was quite surprising.

Among the wreckage we found the bodies of both workers and mechanized guards brutally murdered, some in horrific ways. There  was also some object taken that we were tasked with retrieving and searched for what that might be, finding evidence that several mad science devices were taken, as well as a new prototype tank, and a giant war machine called 'the Maxis'. What was truely bizzare was a room full of devices, many of which were severely damaged or on fire, that seemed to be designed for analyzing some object, that would have presumably fit in the strange box in the center of the room, had the object still been there. One of the devices I recognized as a spectral scope, which could be used to analyze the spiritual substance of something, how curious.

After searching through the warehouse we noticed that there were tracks that were most likely made by the stolen tank, and we began to follow it, hearing another team of investigators enter the warehouse just as we were making our exit.

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